Hey guys! Long time no post! So sorry. We’ve been having some issues with the website which Ron has been working on. Our regular internet was not allowing us to log onto our own website, it was blocking us. So he had to find another server service that we have to log on in order to get on the website. Makes no sense to me whatsoever, that’s why he does all this stuff. It’s been a nightmare because it is so hard to do website work from our phones which we were able to log on with. Yep, welcome to our world. HA!

Anyhoo, I just wanted to stop by and let you all know that Steve aka The Invisible Warrior is up for preorder on Amazon. Not sure if he will make preorder status on other outlets yet because they require ten days for the manuscript to be uploaded and I’m not sure I can make that deadline. So, I will do my best though….promise!

I really hope you are going to enjoy Steve’s story. I think you will be surprised because in all honesty I am. I thought this would be the hardest book for me to write and I am absolutely loving it. So many ideas, the blurb was written on the first try and that never ever happens. So my fingers are crossed that I’m on the right track for you guys!

Thanks for sticking it out with me and as soon as I finish with Steve, Dell in the Lee County Wolves will be next! So excited for this release guys! Nervous also, but excited! YAY! Thank you all for everything!!

The Invisible Warrior Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/2uAW2RK



Teresa Gabelman


Paranormal With A Twist


6 Responses

  1. Hey Teresa,
    I just finished reading Steve’s story. I think that it is your best work yet! 🙂 It took me on an emotional ride that I enjoyed immensely. I expected to laugh, but I also cried. I love when a story moves me in any way, but only the most talented of authors can move you to both extremes in the same story, utilizing the same characters, and have it still feel authentic. I realize we are dealing with fictional characters here, talking about witches and vampires, but this vampire feels like a very real person, that’s what I mean when I say it feels “authentic”. He is goofy and has his insecurities, wears his heart on his sleeve; he is just so “normal” and at times, in previous stories, he has sometimes even been annoying. But, in the end, he was always funny, and whatever he did, no matter how annoying, I always ended up laughing at it.

    I will be honest, this is the first book in the series I was not looking forward to reading, (as intensely anyway), simply because Steve was not always my favorite character. I have completely changed that opinion! You managed to take a kid that goofed off all the time and allowed him to mature, grow up and become a man right in front of our eyes. The truly amazing and clever thing that I am so impressed with however, is that you did all of that while still maintaining the integrity of his character. He is still funny, goofy old Steve who always has everyone’s back, who always cares about everyone, yet still always finds a way to stick his foot in his mouth or get himself into trouble. But now he is also a grown man who will fight for his family, a loving father and a soon to be husband/mate who would die for them. Every book you write gets better and better!

    I was not in a very good place emotionally when I started reading this book. I was quite depressed. But after reading this story, my entire mood feels so lifted. I just can’t thank you enough for the gift you give to all of your readers with your stories. As I have told you before, to me, they are more than just stories, they are a lifeline. I will be forever grateful. God bless you my friend, and please keep writing. I can’t wait for the next story! Intensely! LOL 🙂

    Jennifer Hoce

    1. Jennifer your words mean so much to be, especially at this moment in my life. Maybe that is why I just now seen your message. It was meant for me to see now. What you wrote means more to me than you will ever know. I am so glad Steve could lift your spirits in the only way Steve can. Hugs and I pray and hope that things have gotten better for you. I know they have. Please anytime you ever need a ear you can reach me on facebook or my email tgabelman@live.com. For some reason this comment was hidden and I apologize for just now seeing it and replying. Hugs and tons of love your way!


  2. I have a question, I have the nook app and I have almost all the books except “A Warrior Wedding” and “Invisible Warrior”. When I look up your name in the nook app, it only comes up with one book that you can only preorder. I was wondering if that would ever change or not, because I really love how easily I can get your book series, but it’s only coming up with one book. It’s really disappointing.

    1. Isabella I am so sorry. I have gone exclusive with Amazon. That may change in the future. There is a free Kindle app available, but if you are not interested in that please contact me through facebook or my email at tgabelman@live.com and I will do my best to make it right with you. This was such a hard decision for me to make because of my readers with different devices. Again, I’m so sorry. Hugs!

  3. Hi Teresa! Loved Steves Story! Loved his journey from start to finsh! I have this one thing that I can’t get out of my mind – a tune!! Vampires, Werewolves and Witches Oh My… Vampires, Werewolves and Witches Oh My… Haha Don’t where that is coming from… I look forward to Ronans story! Thanks and Keep Writing

    1. hahaha Sally I love that. Now I can’t get it out of my mind. Thanks so much for your support. I really appreciate it so much! Hugs and please keep in touch. I’m working on Dell’s story which is the fourth in the Lee County Wolves and then Ronan! Yay!! Hugs!

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