Discrimination hurts everyone!

To me personally the word ‘Discrimination’ is worse than any four lettered word I have ever heard. It should be wiped from our vocabulary. Why, you ask? Because in my busy scattered mind if the word doesn’t exist then the meaning wouldn’t exist. Yeah I know, I try to see things through rose colored glasses.

No, I’m not going to get up on my high horse here. I had a very disturbing share on facebook from a very talented author, Suzanne Brockman. I was going to share it on here, but I wasn’t for sure if I could do a copy and paste so decided to just give you her name to Google or just friend me on facebook and see my share. It’s actually a very long post about what has happened to her.

In this day and age you would think the D-word would have deminished somewhat, but it’s sad to say it’s still thriving like a nasty ugly killing diease with no end in sight.

When you try to tell me what to do and what not to do in order to go along with your beliefs then you have created a monster. I will go that extra mile or hundred to keep watching, liking, reading and/or friending whatever I want and/or whoever I want. Take a stand against the D-word!






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