Duncan on audio is LIVE and other news! :)

Hey everyone! Duncan is finally LIVE on audio for all you audio listeners. YAY!





Also the second in the Lee County Wolves Series, Forbidden Seduction which is Hunter’s story, will be going to the editor July 11 as well as a short paranormal story that will be in a box set. I will have release dates of those very soon. This has been a not so good year with illnesses. My mom, who lives with us, has had some issues with a lot of hospital visits, tests, etc. Also my father-in-law has severe dementia and it’s heartbreaking.

Being a author has allowed me to be able to be here for my mom and when needed my father-in-law, but the worry and stress as most of you know is very consuming to the point focusing on anything let alone other worlds is so hard. Sloan and Blaze have already been set up with my editor, so they have definite deadlines. I want to thank Becky Johnson with Hot Tree Editing for working with me during this time of uncertainty.

Because it will be long between Protector books, okay long for me so I know it’s long for you, I am going to do a preorder which will be up after the 11th. Late September will be Sloan’s release with Blaze following shortly after. I know, it sucks, but Sloan is a special book and I refuse to rush this story. This is how I make my living. I have no other job other than writing so releasing far between books I take a tremendous hit, but I would rather you be happy with what you are reading that has my name on it than to make a quick buck. That’s not what I got into this for, never in a million years thought I could make a living doing this and I’m not changing.

I know I have tons of unanswered messages on my website that I promise to get to as soon as this first deadline is out of the way. You guys have been awesome. No one has been negative in the least, but I wanted you guys to know what has been going on and I know, because you guys ROCK, each of you will understand where I’m coming from. I can never repay my mom for what she has done for me, but I can be here for her in her time of need for as long as she needs. And hey, she wants to read Sloan also…haha….she really does. She’s one of my biggest fans.

Please keep sending me messages and always know I will answer as soon as I possibly can. You guys keep me going when it would be easier to say, I’m done, I suck or whatever LOL! Yes, I have plenty of ‘I suck’ days, but then I pull my big girl panties on and GET R’ DONE!

Thanks for letting me get all this out. Other than my family, my reader family is just as important and I want you guys know how much I appreciate every single one of you.


P.S. I’m so freaking excited for SLOAN! 🙂


25 Responses

  1. I would like to know what Beasts’ “given name” is…..I know you had one in mind…..LOL! I sure wish there were more to come…..however, I liked the way you ended his story….Beast is such a softhearted guy after all!!! Thank you for another wonderful series, Teresa. I adored Dustin….he’s such a goofball just like Steve….Ah, Steve…..still waiting for you!!!!

  2. Just finished listening to Duncan! I drive a lot for work and your books make the drive better! When will Sid be available on Audiobook?!

  3. I work and provide respite for the relatives of clients who have dementia and fully appreciate the stresses involved in caring for someone. I would therefore like to say a HUGE thank you to you for finding the time to write. I thoroughly enjoy reading your books and look forward to your future releases, i’m not worried if they take longer for you to produce, I just appreciate that you manage to find the time to write and be creative. Take care, Alison.

    1. Hey Alison! Your message really touched me. Thank you so much for what you do for family and those who have dementia. It is a cruel and heartbreaking disease. As of right now I’m writing like a crazy woman. LOL! Hugs and again thank you so much!

  4. Loved the audio version can’t wait for the next one to come out on audio as it’s almost like getting a new read.

    1. Thanks Karen! As soon as Sloan is done I will be working on the next audio. Soon all will be on audio. YAY! Hugs and thanks again for the support! 🙂

      1. Hi Teresa just wondering if there might be a status update on the next audio book.
        Loved Sloan by the way.

        1. Hey Karen! Not yet. I have a agent who is working on the audio’s so hopefully I will hear something very soon! Yay! I cannot wait to hear Sid on audio haha! Thanks for being patient and hopefully I will have news soon! Hugs!!

  5. It is so awesome that you are putting these books in audio format. I don’t get to read as often as I would like but now I can just listen when I am walking, driving, water my garden, etc. AWESOMESAUCE!!!!! I love your books, and I get so excited when I know a new one is coming out. I love that you always include the continued stories of all the other characters in each book, it makes the books that much more fascinating and keeps me glued to the entire series. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much Teresa. Just made my day, you did! I love writing for you guys so much and each word I write is with you all in mind. Hugs and again thank you! 🙂

  6. I’ve read all your books and love the protector series. Such good story line which captures the readers imagination that you can’t help getting emotinally engrossed in the books and at times making you sad or laugh outloud. The male characters all have the alpha thing going but the women in the stories more then hold their own. No helpless women here. I can’t wait to read the next instalment.

    1. Thank you so much Av…and yes, I have to have strong women who may need a little help once in a while from a sexy alpha vampire. HA! Hugs and thanks so much for your words. Made my day! 🙂

  7. I’m with you! My Dad passed away last year from vascular dementia and my mom has so many issues…..looks at a knee replacement shortly….cannot wait for Sloans book…such a hardass and Blaze…smoking hot man with secrets….take as much time as you need…know the feeling…with my Dad it was 3 years……
    Take care and best wishes to you and your family….

    1. Hey Bbennie! I am so sorry about your dad. It is such a cruel and heartbreaking disease. Hope everything is okay with your mom. I use my writing to leave reality for a little while and I hope it helps you guys also. Sloan will be releasing in Sept. Also, if you haven’t read the Lee County Wolves yet, Forbidden Hunter, which is the first book in the series is free on Amazon. Forbidden Seduction which is Hunter’s book will be releasing July 30th. Thank you so much for your understanding and again I’m so sorry about your dad. Prayers and positive thoughts for you and your mom! Hugs! Keep in touch!

  8. Yay!! So excited bring on the rest of the series too. I’ll have this one consumed in a day. Once I start listening I won’t be able to stop!!

  9. Hey Teresa. Im sorry for all that you are going through. I know it can be difficult. Hope all is well with your mom and father in law. I wanted to let you know how much i loved your series. I never laughed so much through a series as much as i did this. The characters are funny, smart ass, sexy and lovable. Im so excited for book 9 Sloan. After Jax i was disappointed because i thought the series was over. So glad to hear more are coming. I already read book 1 of Lee county and also can’t wait for the second one. Thank you again.


    1. Thanks so much Stacy! Things are about the same here, but we have hope…always hope! The second in the Lee County Wolves will be out July 30th which is Hunter’s book. YAY! Working on Sloan now and then Blaze baby! HA! Hugs and talk to you soon!

  10. Hi Teresa, Thanks for your message! Wow what a message you seem to have a lot on your shoulders at the moment…. I do hope all will be well with you and all!
    I agree Sloane can not be rushed!!…. I, we need to know every little inch of who, what, where and why he is the way he is… Am curious, very curious! I do feel like I am somehow cheating on the Warriors every time I read your books – First I like Damon, then Jared, Duncan, Sid…. and so on! but don’t tell them! LOL…..
    Hunters Book!! Yes can’t wait…… Blaze too! I quite liked him in Jax’s book….. Great Stuff!!
    You mentioned the time issue…. Nah! not a problem…. You got loyal fans who will be ready and waiting, we know we will get a blinding read!
    Thanks and Keep Writing!…. I’m off to do a little re-reading X

    1. Thank you so much Sally! You know, I do have a lot on my shoulders, but so does everyone else and I totally understand that. I’m my own worse enemy lol! I have time lines in my head and if I don’t meet them I beat myself up, but sometimes its out of my control and just knowing you guys understand that helps me deal a little better. And HEY Forbidden Seduction which is Hunter’s book will be out July 30th. YAY! Again thank you so much…this meant the world to me. Hugs! Oh, and working on the boss man now! 😉

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