warriorweddingkindlesmYes, A Warrior Wedding is LIVE! So nervous and excited! This book was very emotional for me and had thought about writing it since Adam’s book. Next in the Protectors is Jax. I really hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think after you read. Also if you are free today we are having a release party on facebook with tons of prizes. One special prize I will be giving away during my time at 7:00 pm eastern is a signed Slade paperback. What makes this special is I’m not the only author who has signed it. It is filled with awesome author signatures. Hope you can join. Okay, off to freak out and then write. Hugs and thank you guys so much for supporting me. Means so much!


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68 Responses

  1. Teresa, just to let you know that I’ve read all the book on the Protectors series and i love,enjoy, every single one. NOW can wait Sloan to come out

    1. Hey Nelly!! Thank you so much! I’m currently working on the second in the Lee County Wolves series and then on to Sloan. Thank you so much for the support. Talk to ya soon! Hugs! 🙂

    1. Hey Sally! So glad you are….I typed that so many times doing transcription for our doctors and every time I hear someone getting knee surgery I automatically say…make sure you do that therapy. LOL! Good luck with it! 🙂

  2. Hi Teresa! I know you are a busy lady writing all these great books….. Its just I have been reading lots other books Inbetween (they have been good) but can’t say I have found anything that really matches yours in storyline content, the comedy, romance and loving, topical issues and all characters…… I remember last year when Slade was on a countdown clock! Are we getting one this year…. Is it coming soon?? I am having a knee Op and have to rest my knee… what better way to read your books and think vamp warrior!!!!!!……. Thanks for writing these books!! and Thank god I work for myself as I can’t sack myself!!

    1. Hey Sally! That means so much to me! Thank you!!! I will be announcing tonight or tomorrow the cover and release date of Jax, and yes there will absolutely be a countdown clock. HA! Sorry It took me a minute to respond, had a few deadlines to meet and that puts a damper on my social life. 🙂 Hugs and good luck on your knee surgery. I used to do orthopedic transcription so I know all about those. Do your therapy!!!!

  3. Hi Teresa. I have read the entire protector series (so far) over the past week. It was really addictive and now I can’t wait for the next book 🙂
    I know you are busy with Hunter and Jax at the moment, but do you have any plans for a Sloan book? I can’t wait to get to hear more about him…

  4. This was my 2nd read thru…had to reread all of them before starting the wedding…Sid, I love his smart mouth, I actually love them all. What great characters and stories. Thank you! Can’t wait for Jax and I know Steve’s gotta do something spectacular along with Sloan. I have read other vamp series and I want to thank you for NOT going crazy with the “language”.. I appreciate that! Patiently impatiently waiting for the next book!

    1. Hey Glenna! Thank you so much! Excited you have enjoyed the series so far. Yes, Steve will probably do something spectacular very soon….that could be good or bad…knowing Steve probably bad. HA! Thanks again for your support! Means so much! Hugs!!!

  5. Have just had a week off and sat down to read The Protectors from start to finish (so far) again. I really love them all, although Sid is my favorite book and Sloan my favorite Protector. I thought I ‘d leave this comment as a couple of things have bothered me going through the books. 1 In Damon Steve is a full vamp but in Sid he is a half-breed. 2 Duncan is supposed to marry Pam 18th March, but at Jill’s wedding in the summer they are not married. 3 In Jared you say no one knows how old Sloan is but in Adam or Slade we find out that Sloan, Damon, Sid, Jared and Duncan are all approx 1500 – 2000 years old as they were all fighter in the arena and Sloan was their lanista. That all said I am looking forward to Jax, tho he had better get his act together cause he is a total pain in the arse at the moment. Keep up the good work and more shifters soon as well please

    1. Hey Deborah! Thanks for your comment. On Damon I made a boo boo, that I’ve come clean with. Neither me, my beta’s or editor caught that I changed Steve from a full-blood to a half-breed. I totally own up to that mistake. Unfortunately I get so excited when I’m writing these stories things slip. I have notes, etc. on each book, but I’m going to miss things. The one that has bothered me the most was the Steve issue, which I pondered forever over to try to fix, but I felt that fixing it would just produce more problems. Some have caught it and I do apologize for the mistake. Doing a series is hard with so many characters and with me I like to bring each character back in each book and it gets really tricky. I hate that it has bothered you, but I promise to do my best to make sure the boo boo’s stay out and yet I’m sure I will have a few more. 🙁 Thank you for the comment because it only makes me a better writer listening to you guys. Hugs and please keep in touch! 🙂

  6. Loved “Warrior Wedding” ! Actually I love them all! Slade has had me intrigued since he first appeared in the series. Now it Jax, I really like his character and I’m looking forward to his story. Thanks for giving us such interesting, and let’s not forget “sexy”, characters.

    1. Hey Donna! So glad you enjoyed A Warrior Wedding. Jax is going to be awesome….well, at least I hope so. HA! I’m enjoying the story so far. Thank you so much for your support! Means so much! Hugs and talk to ya soon! 🙂

  7. Hey darlin, I just now finished reading A Warrior Wedding, and dang girl, you keep hitting home runs. Sheesh the Los Angeles Angels should have this luck (keep my hubs happy I can tell you). Congrats on another fantastic book. I left my rating and review on Goodreads, and as always another BIG FIVE STAR review.

    Hugs hon, and looking forward to the next book.

    1. Thank you so much Julieanne! I excited you enjoyed A Warrior Wedding. Your support means the world to me. Hugs and hope I do just as good with the next one. Fingers crossed! 🙂

  8. I have read all your warrior ebooks. Warriors Wedding was an extremely emotional story. I cried. It’s been a long time since I got so deep into a story. Of course, Hunter and Blaze made me laugh, you definitely have to give them their stories. Thank you so much.

    I’ve downloaded another story about Garrett and Janna.

    1. Hey Judy! So excited you enjoyed A Warrior Wedding. I hope I made you laugh as much as I made you sad. It was a hard story to write, but has been inside my head forever lol! Thanks so much for your support! Means the world to me. I hope you enjoy Garrett and Janna’s story! Hugs!!! 🙂

  9. Hi Theresa just finished warrior wedding and absolutely loved it! It made me laugh and cry could not put it down I was looking forward to jax’s book before I read this but even more so now. Can’t wait. my favourite character is sid coz I find him absolutely hilarious. You are an amazing author love your books!

    1. Hey Leanne!! YAY! So glad you enjoyed A Warrior Wedding. Sid is nuts haha and love writing him. Thank you so much for your support! Means the world to me. Hugs and talk to you soon! 🙂

  10. So I started reading this series about a month ago and was so hooked I’m now on this book. I can’t wait to read it. I love all your other books an was happy to see the series will continue!!!

    1. Hey Heidi! Thank you so much and so very excited you are enjoying the series so far. I will keep going until you guys tell me to stop! Hugs and thanks so much for your support! 🙂

  11. Teresa – I’ve read Warrior Wedding twice already. It continues on the GREAT series you’re writing. I never can wait for the next story to come out. I read many authors, but you’re still my favorite! Your stories stand taller than any of the others I’ve read. In my opinion, the closest would be Christine Feehan’s Dark series – they’re excellent too, but yours are more affordable (by a lot) and more easily read. I will enjoy every single one of your Protector series multiple times. Keep them coming please!!
    There are more stories for you to tell in THIS series!

    Carol L

    1. Carol that means the world to me. Thank you so much! I really try to make mine as affordable as I can because I’m a reader also and I want you guys to be able to read…read…read and not just my books. HA!. Unfortunately Christine Feehan probably doesn’t have a say on the costs of hers since she is with a big publishing company. I love her books, though I haven’t been able to read many of them lately and I’m way behind on them. I promise more Warrior are coming your way. Hugs and thank you again. You made my night! 🙂

  12. I have the complete set of the vc warriors on my kindle, when I first read Damon. Where we meet Nicole, Pam and the other two vc warriors as well. I loved how they would bicker with each other. And the emotions as well in each of the books, it’s like I have been right there with the warriors. I’ve laughed and cried. These books are brilliant I’ve just finished reading warrior wedding for a second time. It still made me cry. I can’t wait for jax’s book to come out. You are truly an inspirational author and I love your books. Can’t wait for next instalment. 😀

    1. Thank you so much Debbie! My goal when I write anything is to bring you guys on my journey like you are right there. I appreciate your support so much and I promise I’m working hard on the next, which is Jax. If I can make you cry, laugh, curse and want to throw the book then I’ve done my job. HA! Hugs and thanks again! 🙂

  13. I just want to say how much I LOVE YOU !!! You are a awesome author that I enjoy reading. I just wanted to know when a warrior Wedding will be released in paperback? I have read all your books so far. I just love them. Keep up the good work.

  14. Love the protectors and the Lee county wolves!!!
    I laugh and cry and just get so wrapped up in the books I don’t even realize I’m smiling while I’m reading… people just look at my funny!!! Love everyone of your characters!!!!
    Cannot wait until the next book comes out!!!! I hope there’s a lot more books to come!!!! 🙂 when will when know when the next book has a date set to come out?

    1. Hey Faith! Thank you so much and you have no idea what your words mean to me. That’s all I want to do is give you guys a escape where you can laugh, curse, cry, laugh again and just feel like you are part of the story! That is my goal with everything I write. Working hard on Hunter, the second book in the Lee County Wolves Series and Jax. Not taking a writing break this time. Too excited to get their stories out. Hugs and thanks again!

  15. Hi Teresa,
    I loved A Warrior Wedding it was brilliant. The only bad part was Slade and Jill didnt get to have a little baby (you got me all excited). Maybe in the next book??

    1. Hey Rose! So excited you liked A Warrior Wedding! YAY! Hey, you never know what I might do….hahaha….obviously! Hugs and thanks so much for your support! Means the world to me! 🙂

  16. You write it and I will read it….over and over and over. I have a lot of authors I enjoy but only a few that I can read over and over and still enjoy every second. You’re definitely one of the few. Loved the Wedding! Can’t wait for Jax and Hunter and Blaze and the wolves and ANYONE else you care to share with us. Thank you so much for sharing your talent! Long may you write! 🙂

    1. Hey Rylee!! Thank you so much!! I’m the same way, there are certain authors that I will read over and over again. I’m not taking a break between books so I’m currently working on Hunter and Jax…. 🙂 Hugs and thanks again!

  17. Hi Teresa
    WOW WOW WOW….. OMG!!! This was so worth the wait. I loved the writing, you had me crying, smiling, falling in love all over again…. don’t know if I can handle all the emotions 🙂
    I hope we don’t have to wait too long for the next book. Jax book is going to be awesome.
    You are absolutely brilliant. Thank you 🙂 VC Warriors, hummy 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Shoneez! I’m not taking a break between the books right now so I’m writing as I answer you guys! So excited you enjoyed a Warrior Wedding…YAY! Talk to you soon! Hugs!!!

  18. HI Teresa, Just had to let you know how much I LOVE your books! My favorite warrior is Slade, but can’t wait to read more about Jax, Blaze, and of course, SLOANE. Also would love more of Hunter and his brothers! Keep up the absolutely WONDERFUL JOB!!!

    1. Thank you so much Anna! Working hard on the next in the series as well as Hunter’s book in the Lee County Wolves Series. Not taking a break between books. Thanks again and talk to you soon! Hugs!!! 🙂

  19. Hi Teresa! Sorry, I don’t know whether my email got through to you last week? (I always keep an eye out for up dates on your site)
    I Just wanted to say I only have two words for the Warrior Wedding…… ‘Loved It’….Great mix of story lines that kept you hooked. I agree with all Love Blaze and Hunter! Loved seeing more of Sloane too (having a little dance!!??) and now can’t wait for Jax’s Story which is now bubbling up nicely!!!…Good Stuff! Keep Writing! and Thanks!x

    1. Thank you so much Sally! I didn’t see your email…I’m sorry! My email can be whacky sometimes! I am so glad you enjoyed a Warrior Wedding! Not taking a break between books so I’m working on Hunter and Jax! Hugs and thanks so much for your support! 🙂

  20. I loved Warrior Wedding. I went to work on 2 hours of sleep read it all in one night. Love the whole series and can’t wait for Jax

    1. Thank you so much Michelle! So glad you enjoyed it and sorry for your lack of sleep, even though that is a great compliment! Hugs!!! 🙂

  21. Slade. Slade Slade Slade. OMG my favorite Warrior. Loved this book. Anything with Slade in it is wicked good. Can’t wait for some Jax now.

    1. Hey Barb!! YAY!!! So glad you enjoyed A Warrior Wedding! I have had this book in mind since after Duncan and I really wasn’t finished with Jill and Slade haha! Hugs and thanks again!


    1. Thank you so much Helga! I’m pretty sure Blaze will be getting his own book, but will know for sure after Jax’s book. 😉 Thank you again Helga…your support means the world to me. Hugs!!!

  23. I was hoping for a book about Sloan, since he has been in all the Protector Serie’s. I ‘m looking foward to Jax., when will this book be available? Also will read warrior Wedding..Hope to hear responce from you soon..Love your Book’s ..

    1. Hey Jo Ann! I promise Sloan will be getting his book, but with him being the head Vamp I’m holding his story a little longer, but it will be epic when it comes out…I promise! I don’t have a set date for Jax, but I’m not taking any writing breaks between books so hopefully it will be soon and I will definitely let you know! Hugs and thanks so much for your support!

  24. OMG!!! You’ve done it again. I’ve just finished A Warrior Wedding and I couldn’t put it down. It was absolutely brilliant. Every book in this series just goes from strength to strength. As soon as your new books come out I have to stop reading the book I’m on to read yours because I can’t wait. I don’t know how you come up with such fantastic story lines, fab characters and humour. Thank you for another fab book and the hours of escape and pleasure they give. Xx

    1. Thank you so much Sue and honestly it’s because of your guys. I write for you. I mean I love writing and write what I love, but I always have the reader in mind. I know I can’t make everyone happy, but I sure do try. HA! Thank you again for your support. Means the world to me. Hugs!!! 🙂

  25. Hello 😀 I’ve had this pre-ordered for what felt like forever! Was amazing! Have only seconds ago just finished reading it. I’ve read every warrior book. There such a great read, you love the characters and the more you read the more you become involved in their independent stories! Which is why I can’t wait for jax!! And Sloan! And the newly introduced characters; blaze definitely has a story to tell! 😀 thank you

    1. Thank you so much Sophie! I’m not taking a break between books so I’m working on Hunter and Jax now. Yes, Blaze I believe is going to have a book because once you read more about him in Jax’s book I think you’ll fall more in love with him….I sure have. HA! Hugs and thanks again!

  26. Just finished reading “Warrior Wedding”. Once again, damnit, you made me belly laugh and BAWL. Loved it. Texted my friends that it is out and a must read.
    Also, I REALLY liked your Lee County Wolves book and can’t wait for the next. Also liked your Rodeo Romance.
    Also loved the new characters in Warrior Wedding, Blaze and Hunter.
    I will never look at County Court House steps in the same way. Forget beach scenes from Here to Eternity!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing the Warrior Wedding as you did!

    1. Hey Kay! HA! I’m so glad I made you laugh and yes, I cried writing this one. And no, thank you for supporting me. Means more to me than you will ever know. Just wait until Jax’s book….you will fall in the love with Blaze! HA! Hugs and thanks again! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Nicole! I’m not taking a break between books and working on Hunter as well as Jax’s book. Hugs and thank you again for your support! Means the world to me! 🙂

  27. I just finished reading A Warrior Wedding and I loved it!! I can’t wait for Caroline and Jax’s book and I am excited about getting into the wolves books. I loved the way you introduced them, I am sure it will be another great series. I re-read the warriors books all the time, they never get old. Thanks so much for such great books!!

    1. Thanks so much Renea! Love hearing that you enjoy rereading the series. No better compliment than that. I appreciate it so much! I’m not taking a break between books so working on Hunter and Jax’s books now. Hugs and thanks again! 🙂

  28. I loved it. II had pre ordered it and it came into iBooks yesterday morning. I could not put it down until I had finished it. I love this series and the way you pulled it all together was awesome. When is Jax coming out? Cant wait for that one.

    1. Thank you so much Step! So glad you enjoyed A Warrior Wedding. I’m not taking a break between books so I’m working on Hunter and Jax’s book now. Hugs and thanks so much for your support! 🙂

  29. I loved A Warrior Wedding! You did an amazing job with the story and I can’t wait for Jax and The Lee County Wolves! Thank you for keeping the Protector series going, it is one of my all time favorites!

    1. Thank you so much Jessica! Your support means the world to me. Working on Hunter and Jax’s books right now. No break between books. Hugs and thanks again! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Jenny! Excited and whew wee happy you enjoyed A Warrior Wedding! Hugs and thanks again for your support! Means the world to me!

      1. Really Enjoyed WARRIOR WEDDING. A nice cross over with Hunter. Makes me want to pick up Lee County Wolves now. How long before Hax and Caroline?

        1. Hey JC! I am so glad you enjoyed A Warrior Wedding! Working on Hunter’s story now. Jax is next. I’m taking no breaks between the books. Thanks again! Hugs!!!

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