Jake is LIVE and some updates!

Jake is finally here friends! I hope you enjoy him as much as I enjoyed writing his story. I have some updates for you guys, but first, I will talk about a few things I’ve seen about the series in hopes that any confusion will be addressed.

The last two books before Jake were A Warrior Thanksgiving and then Angelina. I received some messages talking about how short these two books were. A Warrior Thanksgiving is just a bonus book as were A Warrior Halloween and A Warrior Christmas, all three were shorter books in the series. Angelina is a Mate book which is a part of the Protectors, but focuses on a particular mate that isn’t a Warrior/Guardian just a strong female mate. These books are also shorter. A Warrior Thanksgiving and Angelina were both released in the same month at 2.99 a piece which is the same price of my biggest book in the series…Blaze…I believe. My Kindle version books since 2011 have always been Damon at .99 and the rest at 2.99. I have not raised my prices and hope to never have to raise my prices because I know how freaking hard things are in today’s world and I know my readers love other authors as well and want to buy their books. I also have every single one of my books in Kindle Unlimited meaning you can read them for free minus your KU dues.

Each of my books will be different lengths, but I promise you that inside those books I will do my best to take you into the Warrior world or whatever world I am writing about with the hopes you enjoy the story. This is a series, I have different storylines going at one time in my books. Just because the book is called Jake, that doesn’t mean other characters will not be included especially the character I am going to write about next. All my books have been this way, this style has not changed with just Jake. Damon’s book had a ton of Jared because his books was next. Jared had Duncan’s storyline because, yep, Duncan was next and so one and so forth. This is a series just like a television series. The readers love different characters and I do my best to bring them all back in each book. A challenge I put on myself, but I love the different characters also. Honestly it would be so much easier for me to just do a one and done, but that is not how this series is set up. When Jill first came on the scene I knew exactly what her storyline was going to be and you are seeing a glimpse of it in Jake’s books. Sorry if that upset a reader or two, but again, this is how my series has been set up since book 1….Jake is book 26. I really hate to disappoint, but unfortunately I know that will happen.

And on to the Mates. The reason I started writing the mate books is because I would get so many messages from you guys asking what is going on with Lana or Tessa. After a lot of thinking I decided to write Nicole just to see how that played out. You guys loved it which I appreciate so much. There has been some confusion with this series because I at first had them numbered Nicole Book 1…Tessa Book 2, but they needed to read in order of the Protectors….because it’s a series. Amazon gave me ten types of trouble trying to sort this out. So then I started numbering in order of 14.5 and so on giving them the .5 and that didn’t work because Amazon wouldn’t let me number it that way. So now….I have combined them on Amazon in the series catalog taking away the .5. The point of this paragraph is they need to be read in order of the Protectors. LOL! I know…I know…I should have just said that, but a few asked me the reasoning so I wanted to explain it here.

I just wanted to say thank you guys so much! This release was total chaos…YIKES! From no one being able to search it on Amazon and it not showing up on Goodreads. It still hit #1 in categories without being a pre-order, then moved again in categories and ranking to once again ranking all because my readers are AMAZING. All that happened in the week Jake was released.

Missing Writers On The River this weekend (yes, I cried…ask Angie LOL), being worried about mom (who is doing better, thank you for the prayers), and just being a tad bit stressed Donna messaged me today with ‘OMG look at your rankings in both the US and UK.’ Three weeks after release, you all have once again sent Jake soaring in the rankings. I am blessed to have you guys in my corner and I hope to continue bringing you stories that you enjoy. Your support always means the world to me, but today…well, today it just hit differently and I have you guys to thank for that.

So…what’s next? I am writing Forbidden Shadows which is the next Lee County Wolves and then Jill is the next Protector book. She will not get a Mate book, she is a Protector. Again, thanks for sticking with me and I hope that I’ve answered a few questions you all have had. I try to keep up with everything, but I do fall behind sometimes, but I will answer you back just as soon as I can.

Love and hugs,


Jake’s Links: US: https://amzn.to/3XQxW4J


2 Responses

  1. I finished Jake in one night. I’m glad he and Jessie got together. What happened to Becki? She quit working for Sloan. Then nothing else about her.
    I really hope Jill overcomes her human issue. I didn’t like her quitting VC though.

    I love the Protectors Series. I have read them at least 4 times now. I love your writing and you’ve ruined me for other writers. LOL

    Thanks for the books, and anxiously waiting for your next book.

    1. Hey Kathi! Thanks so much and I’m excited you enjoyed the story. I promise you will see much more of Becky and Sloan as her Mate book will be coming soon, but she will also be in Jill’s which is coming up next. You’re the best and I appreciate you so much! I promise Jill will get her ahhhh, moment, HA!



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