Jax Wheeler anyone????



I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving for those of you who celebrate. I honestly ate way to much and need to make a treadmill my new best friend. Now with Christmas around the corner I’m eating fudge like a crazy woman. It is not good….I mean the fudge is goooood….but eating pounds of it is not so good. HA!

I have some exciting news and wanted to share with you guys. I just finished a book called Blind Faith which is a contemporary for a charity anthology for fertility research. I’m really proud of this project as well as honored to be asked by Becky Johnson from Hot Tree Editing and my editor to be a part of this special project. In doing that I had to take a small break from Jax, but I am back on it and it’s going great. Actually I am loving this story and almost, maybe just as, excited about Jax as I was with Slade and A Warrior Wedding.

The other thing is and I hope this does not upset anyone, but I am not doing a pre-order on Jax and the main reason is because of time restraints. I wanted to get Jax out sooner to you guys. I promise I will remind you here and if you haven’t signed up for my mailing list please do because I will remind everyone that way also. Plus I will be doing some pretty awesome giveaways to celebrate the release.

So tonight I am announcing Jax’s release date plus cover reveal for you guys. The countdown clock will be up as soon as my husband can get it going. Thank you guys again for the support you give me. It means so much. Please understand that if I don’t answer your messages right away, I will. I get behind sometimes when I have deadline, but I love talking to you so much and appreciate you taking time out of your busy lives to message me.

Okay, you ready for me to shut up and announce the release date and show you the hottness that is Jax Wheeler????  HA! That’s what I thought! 🙂

Please feel free to share on twitter and/or facebook. I would really appreciate it. Hugs!!!



Jax 8 x10





44 Responses

    1. Hey Linda! As long as life works with me I am hoping for a late Spring/early Summer release. I am working on the second in the Lee County Wolves series now. Thanks so much! Hugs and talk to you soon! 🙂

  1. HI Teresa, I love all of your books. Can you tell me where/when I can find Blind Faith? Can’t wait for me from Blaze, Steve, Hunter and all of the VC Warriors/Lee County Wolves, but especially, Sloane. I still believe Slade is my favorite though.

    1. Hey Anna! Thank you so much! Blind Faith is going to be released in a anthology in the Spring. As soon as I get the info on the official release date I will make sure to post on the website. Hugs and thanks so much! 🙂

  2. Hi Teresa,
    I loved Jax!!
    I think it’s your best so far. I am really looking forward to Sloan (he is my personal favorite) I hope you find stories for Blaze and Steve as well.
    Keep up the awesome work!

    1. YAY! Thanks so much Diane! And yes, Blaze will definitely get his book, but Steve is still up in the air though you guys are really wanting to hear more from him. HA! He’s a hoot! Hugs and thanks again! 🙂

      1. Please keep on with the protector series I have read every one including Jax ,the best books I have ever read most of them I have read 2 or 3 times and they still fascinate me please lets hear about Sloane Steve and Blaze and how about a book on them all as an update please keep up the good work .

        1. Hey Theresa! Thank you so much! That means the world to me. I am working on Hunter’s book which is the second in the Lee County Wolves series and then on to the next Protector. LOL! Hugs and talk to you very soon! 🙂

  3. Hey Teresa,1
    You have done it again! Another great book. It is six am and I have been up all night reading Jax. I just finished it and loved it . Now I have to wait impatiently while you write Sloan. I am also looking forward to the next Lee County Wolves book. I know writing isn’t easy, but please keep writing your heart out and I and many others will be waiting for your next book. Hope you and all your loved ones are well.

    1. Thank you so much Ann!! Means more than you know. I love writing and my main goal when writing is to take you guys away from reality for just a little while. Getting ready to do Hunter’s story and then you know who…haha. Hugs and thanks so much!!

  4. I am sooooooo happy Jax came out sooner then expected and as always you never fail.. I’m on chapter 5 and can’t wait already for the next book. Thank you!

  5. Ok, next big question: are you going to publish the rest of your books on Audible? I really love listening sometimes and was so excited to see the first two books, but haven’t seen anything since.

  6. I love the protector series…I’m so excited for Jax but hoping Sloan Steve and Dillion are coming REAL soon…..

    Blaze sounds like a good one…I love the attitude…that’s why Damon and Nicole were my favorites then Duncan and Pam…

    AWESOME love your books

    1. Thank you so much Lindi! Actually Dillon will be making a appearance in the Lee County Wolves in Hunters book which I’m working on now. Thanks so much for your support. Means the world to me. Hugs! 🙂

  7. I love your books! I joke about being my friend’s “personal librarian” Anyway, we both prefer big, strong, hunky, over protective, alpha vampires! I just finished A Warrior Wedding & can’t wait for Jax. Is there a pre-order option, I can’t find one

    1. Sorry I’m just now getting back to you Annette! It’s has been nuts here….but no, there was no preorder because then Jax would have been released later and I didn’t want that. But it is now live on Amazon and I am going to post the link as soon as I finish answering you awesome Peeps! Hugs and hope you enjoy Jax! 🙂

  8. Omg I love all your books I have reread them many of times.I have to say that in this last year they have been what’s made me smile.I was in s horrible car wreck and for the last year stuck in bed feeling sorry for myself. All the protector books have kept me sane.my favorite by far is Slade and Jill.thank you so much for giving my a reason to smile.with lots of love carole

    1. Hey Carole! I am so sorry to hear about your accident, but I am happy that the Warriors were able to make you smile. I hope to bring you more smiles very soon. Steve should make you smile a lot in Jax’s book. Keep your head up and know you’re in my thoughts and prayers. Sorry it took me so long to reply, but been crazy around here. Hugs and talk to you soon! 🙂

  9. I just discovered this series over the weekend and by Sunday night had read all seven books! They are amazing and I am hooked! I can’t wait for Jax and Caroline!

    1. Hey Jules! So sorry I’m just now getting back to you. I am so glad you enjoyed the series so far. Jax is out and I will be posting his link here in just a few on Amazon. Hugs and I hope you continue to enjoy the series. Talk to you soon! 🙂

  10. Great news about the release date! It gives me something to look forward too during this cold and snowy January! Loved all your books so far – I’m sure this one will be no exception. Can’t wait!

    1. Hey Carol! So sorry I’m just now getting back to you. It has been a little crazy! Jax was released a day early on Amazon. I will post the link in a just a few seconds. Hugs and talk to you soon! 🙂

    1. Hey Heather! Thanks so much for rereading. Absolutely love to hear when you guys go back and read again. Makes my day. Hugs and talk to you soon. Hope you enjoy Jax! 🙂

    1. Hey Jasmine! HAPPY ‘ONE DAY EARLY’ BIRTHDAY!! HA! Guess what? Jax is out today on Amazon. Yep, he sure is. Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful birthday! Hugs!!!

  11. OMG, I cannot wait for January 26th now!!! Your series is by far one of the greats!!! I think I’ve read them all at least 6 times. Can’t get enough Warriors! Thank you for writing this amazing world, filled with humor, drama, heart wrenching love and major hotness!!! Speaking of hottness…. love the cover for Jax!

    1. Thank you so much Pegge! Means the world to me and I really hope you enjoy Jax. Time to start on the next in the Lee County Wolves and then the next in the Protectors. Hugs and talk to you very soon! 🙂

  12. I am so excited to read all about Jax! What a great series Teresa! I have all your books and also purchased the first 2 of the series at Audible. I have been waiting, what seems like forever, for the rest of them to become available at Audible. To date, that is still a negative. I am so frustrated that I just wrote to Audible requesting/inquiring about the rest of the Protector Series. I am in Canada and hope it is not an issue with rights of any kind.

    I hope to see the books soon and I also hope that it continues to be narrated by Jeffrey Kafer. He did an awesome job! But bottom line, the narrator gives it voice….you have given it soul! I just love this world and people you have created so much and will continue to buy as fast as you write!!! *big smile*

    Merry Christmas

    1. Hey Mirella! First let me apologize about the audible. I am working on getting Duncan up soon. Because of a few issue that has held me back, but with my husbands help we are going to be getting those up and running. I appreciate your patience with me on this. I know how frustrating that is. I appreciate you so much and you made my day. I’m sorry for getting back to you so late, but it has been crazy trying to get Jax out. Hugs and I will talk to you very soon! 🙂

  13. Hey darlin, hope your holiday was filled with love, laughter, family and good friends.

    What can I say, that is one hot cover.. Something about ripped abs and a pants button undone; lets the imagination take a walk on the wild side yes? So looking forward to your latest bad boy’s story. As always, take your time, all of us who are fans will wait.

    Hugs hon

    1. Hey Julieanne! Had a great Thanksgiving as I hope you did also. The covers are so hard lol. I want them to be the same, but different. Thanks so much for your support, means the world to me. Talk to you soon and have a great Christmas and safe New Year! 🙂

    1. Hey Jennifer! I love that (hopefully) HA! Everyone thought Sloan and Caroline, and with me you never know what’s going to happen. Sloan needs a woman…doesn’t he. 😉 Have a great Christmas and safe New Year! Talk to you soon. Hugs! 🙂

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