Just a little heads up!!

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. You may be getting a email from me about being on our email list. I want to start a newsletter and I don’t want to send anything if you don’t want it. And I promise I will not spam the pooh out of you! HA!  So if you want to continue to get alerts and/or the newsletter then just reply to the email and taaa-daaa it is done.




23 Responses

  1. I would really love to sogn up.to.your newsletter. I love the warriors. How do i do it? And also does the protector series come out in paperback?

    1. Hey Chrystal! On the website page their is a sign up for the newsletter. Let me know if you have problems finding it or doing it. And yes, all the current paperback books in the Protectors are out on Amazon! Thanks so much! Hugs!!!

  2. Hey Mrs. Teresa I keep trying to sign up for your newsletter because I’d hate to miss any news you have,but everytime I sign up I never get the email to confirm it. Thank you <3

    1. Hey Kim! Did you get a newsletter from me at all. I am going to put your name down just in case and have the hubs make sure you are approved. Thanks so much!!! Hugs!!!!

  3. Love your books !!! I have added you to my list of author that I must read. Can’t wait for the next book. Question ?: Have you thought about putting men and women of color in your Protectors Series?

    1. Hey Doreen!! Thank you so much and being added to your list of must read authors means so much to me. And, yes, I have many things I am wanting to do with my characters and you asking just makes me know I’m on the right track. Thank you so much! Hugs!!! 🙂

    1. Thank you Kris!! If you didn’t get my first newsletter please go to the top/side of the website page and sign up. If you have any problems just email me at tgabelman@live.com and I will make sure you’re added. Hugs!!! 🙂

  4. Sooo glad I got the e-mail, would have been sad if I weren’t one of the first to get notified for The Protector books, I have loved each and every one. Just pre ordered Romancing the Paranormal, so excited, I am familiar with several of the authors, but it will be great getting to know some new ones. The books sound fantastic, I’m ready to get started on them now, lol. Thank You for letting us take these amazing journeys with you. Keep them coming!!! Please!!!

    1. Hey Eva!! Thank you so much for preordering Romancing The Paranormal. I swear when I was asked to be involved with the project I was so honored because these women are awesome. I hope you enjoy Forbidden Hunger, which is my first with shifters. I’m working on the next Protector book now. I sure did miss those Warriors. HA! Hugs and thank you again for your support. Means so much!! 🙂

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