Oh yeah….another CONTEST! :)

Hey all! First just to let you know my mom is doing much better! Thank you for all the nice words on her behalf. After that small bump in the writing I am back on track with Slade and man do I love that vamp! Hoping to have a release date soon and you will be the first to know….PROMISE!

Now for the contest…..

I am big on paying it forward. So for your choice of two signed paperback books I would love for you to check out two young and very talented guys, Tucker Hawkins and Sam Anderson. I will be able to see by their views going up, give them a LIKE and let me tell you this song ROCKS! So go listen and if you like what you hear share their link with your friends. Once you view all you have to do is come back here and let me know what you thought of the song. Who knows maybe one day they will write the soundtrack to the Protector Series books! 😉 I can see these two young men (Backpack Studios) going far!

Winner will be announced Thursday!



24 Responses

  1. Love Love Love the Protector Series!!! The characters, humor, action & stories are great. This is one of the best series I have read in a long time probably my favorite. I liked how you blended everyone together in the books and kept adding more but I was heart broke when it ended. I could keep reading about these guys and gals for a long time there was never a dull moment. The humor and language was perfect I was actually grinning and laughing throughout them. Great job and can’t wait for the next ones.

  2. Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the Protectors Series. I just finished book 5 and now every evening I will be lost without my wonderful, handsome, hunky, alpha maled (who could blister my hiney anytime), VC Warriors. Must say Sid was my favorite, I just loved the humor. Thank you for all the characters, and I must tell you it was great to hear a description of Sid that I could relate a visual picture of “THOR” to. I wish more writers would do the same. I’m hoping for a book on Slade & Jill, and I think a Jill the only “Woman VC Warrior” would be fantastic reading. From a senior (63 yrs young) thanks again for the great escape from a ho-hum life.

    1. HAHA! You ROCK Annette! Thank you so much and your support means the world to me. THOR is such a hottie that I had to put him in there somewhere or at least someone who resembled him. HA! Thank you again and hope to talk to you very soon!! Hugs!!!

  3. Great song! Very unique voice. Will be sharing it with friends. Thank you for sharing the video!! I think he would be perfect for the soundtrack for the series! Can’t wait for the next installment!

  4. Really good song and the guy singing it had a great voice but then I’ve always liked voices that were different from most the one you normally hear being played on the radio. thanks for bring the song to my attention.

  5. Wow, great recommendation Teresa! That was a really great song, fabulous lyrics, and his voice is super sexy! I love a great song sung by a guy with amazing voice & just the piano/keyboard accompanying! I definitely see this song fitting in with The Protectors series!

  6. I thought it was a really good song and he has a very unique voice, it’s actually still playing in the back round…..
    I will be sharing it with my daughter!

    Glad to hear your mom is doing better!!

  7. Glad to hear your mom is doing better 🙂
    Love the song gonna send it to my daughter too. Will deffently be keeping a eye on them.

  8. I found that song interesting and very insightful for such young men. The website was different. Always love to check out new talent. Thanks for the heads up.

  9. I actually loved that song. I found myself holding my breath as the music got quieter and then louder again. Thanks for sharing the link,

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