Slade’s Cover Reveal!!!

So….what do you think? The shirt around his shoulders….yeah look up….there ya go….the shirt around his bulging shoulders has been written into the book! Just a little teaser tease! 😉 Love you guys tons and enjoy!!!


75 Responses

  1. i think i am speechless …i loved it just like i love all the protector …so i cannot wait for more just wish i could find one

  2. I just want to say, I have bought all six of your protector series books. And I’m addicted to them, I have absolutely enjoyed each and every one, I can’t wait for more to be done.

  3. Hi Teresa – Every one of your Protectors books is the best! I have them all on kindle and also bought them in book form through “Sid” so far. On Jan 24th, I ordered a signed copy of Slade through your website, but I haven’t received it yet. Can you let me know how long it takes to get a copy shipped to the purchaser?? Thanks, and I’m glad to know there are more Protector books to come!

    1. Hey Carol!! Thank you so much for you support. Means so much to me. I just sent out a huge order. It took a while to get them in because I ordered so many, but they have been mailed out. You should get Dr. Slade Buchanan next week. Let me know if you don’t see the doc at your door by Friday!! HA! Hugs and thank you again!! 🙂

  4. Slade was a success I was absolutely pleased with it! Please Please tell me the next book will be the story of Jax and Caroline!! I will be waiting for a response! !

    1. Hey Thera Raugh!! Thank you so much for your support! The next big book in the series will be Jax and Caroline…maybe Caroline haha, but first there is going to be a short story called A Warrior Wedding. You are actually the first person other than my editor, Donna and Amy who knows this. But there will be plenty of Jax and Caroline, which doesn’t mean anything you know. I mean just because they are in a book together doesn’t mean….haha….okay, I’ll stop teasing you. Hugs and thank you so much for your support. Means more to me than you will ever know! 🙂

  5. I love this series I can’t put them down.
    I can’t wait till next book
    Thank u for writing them they r awesome

  6. I really love the Protectors Series. They are funny, sexy and pure hot alpha males. Sid is a riot. I hope that you have books lined up for Jax and Sloan. I think Sloan finding someone would be awesome and I know the guys would have fun with it. Thanks for sharing your books with us. You rock!!!!

    1. Hey Kris!! Thanks so much! Jax and Sloan will definitely have their own books. Sid is a goof, a hot goof, but a goof! LOL! Thanks so much and hope to talk to ya soon! Hugs!!! 🙂

  7. No surprise here but I loved it, loved Slade and Jill together they just fit beautifully! and the inclusion of all the other VC warriors and their ladies so we still have their personalities coming thru, can’t wait for the next one and hopefully the next and next and keep them coming I am happy to wait for a long time for Sloan to have his story told, don’t want the series to end!! cheers.

    1. Hey Robyn!!! Thanks so much and excited that you enjoyed Slade and Jill’s story. I will keep writing until you guys stop reading! Hugs and thank you again!! 🙂


    1. Hey Christy!! Thank you so much! Just knowing that I hit your emotions is such a compliment! I’m hoping to keep having fresh voices in my head (spooky) haha, but i want to keep giving you guys decent reads. That is my goal. Hugs and thank you again!! 🙂

  9. Hi! UK, London Fan!
    Thanks for your books! I luv’ em!…… Can’t put them down! Damon, Jared, Duncan, Sid,(Sid my surname makes it nice) Adam and now Slade/Jill story!
    The Jax and Carolyn story is come on nicely! I can’t wait!
    But what is happening with Sloane!? Didn’t he mention that it will never happen with him?? (there was a something written!) He is so business with a fun edge! Bring in an English Business VC council lady!…. Thanks TG

    1. Hey Sally!!! Thank you so much and hey you never know….there may be a English lady coming…. 😉 Hugs and thank you again for your support! Means the world to me!!

  10. I justbought shade have been rereading series to freshen
    Up on them reading Sid now then Adam before I can read shade…but I think the next book should be solan or Ajax…

    1. Hey Tammie! Thank you so much for the support. And just hearing that you are rereading is such a huge compliment to me. Hugs and I really hope you enjoy Slade!

  11. I usually have to wait for Kobo, but it was up at Smashwords today, so I have it in my grubby little hands right now. It’s great to have it when everyone else does. Happy release day!!

    1. Thank you Lisa! Kobo is sooooo slow, but I appreciate you going ahead and getting it lol! Hope you enjoy Slade and Jill’s story!!! Hugs!!!

  12. Hi Teresa,
    I’m an Australian fan and have loved reading each new Protectors Series title since I stumbled upon ‘Damon’ and ‘Jared’ in early 2013. I only have about 8 hours to go before I can download ‘Slade’. I’m hoping to be one of the very first people (in the world) to dive into the Slade and Jill story. Thanks so much for writing such entertaining stories filled with friendship, laughter, courage, and love. Can’t wait till midnight.

    1. Hey Amanda! Slade’s book I didn’t do a preorder for. When my mom fell and broke her hip I was afraid to commit to a timeline because if I couldn’t make it I didn’t want to let the readers down so I back off the preorder. My next books will be preorder though. I was so excited that Amazon was finally letting Indies do preorder and then that happened with mom, but thank God she’s doing great and things are back to normal. Thanks so much for your support. Hugs!!!

  13. Hey darlin, here’s hoping you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends! Been real busy here, but glad it is over, and things returning to normal.

    So looking forward to Slade and Jill’s book hon, and just know it is going to be fantastic!

    Have a safe and super wonderful New Year and hoping to read more of your wonderful bad boys in the coming year..

    Hugs Angel

    1. Hey Julieanne!! I had a great Christmas, busy….but great. Hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday also. So nervous about Slade, but one more day. Hope I did him and Jill justice for you guys. Hugs and have a great and safe New Year!!! 🙂

  14. I am thinking this will be the longest 7 days until release day! I just re-read the other Protector books to prep over the weekend and now I am thinking I sould have waited one more week! I need Slade and Jill!

    1. The Slade Train is coming Keri!!! Thank you so much for your support. Hearing that you have reread the series is such a compliment to me and so appreciated. I have certain authors I reread all the time and to know I am that to someone means so much!! Hugs and thank you. I hope I did Slade and Jill justice for you all!! 🙂

  15. OOOO Baby!!!!! Can’t wait, been checking your site for months just to see when Slade was going to be coming out. This whole series ROCKS!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much Teresa! I’m so nervous haha! The closer it comes the more nervous I get. Hope I did Jill and Slade justice for you all! Thank you for your support. It means so much! Hugs!!! 🙂

  16. This is one of my favorites. I instant snapped it to my photos on my phone so I peruse it all day! Really rooting for Slade and Jill! Keep ’em coming Teresa!

    1. Thank you so much Sue! That means so much to me. I hope I did Slade and Jill justice for you guys. I’m nervous as heck, but I actually like this story….haha. I’m own worst critic. Hugs and thank you so much for your support!!! 🙂

  17. Oh man…..count down officially starts for me today! I’m waiting for amazon to let me pre-order! I want to wake up on the 30th and have a snuggle in bed day…just me and Slade:) sigh…can’t wait!!!!

    1. Hey Donna! I hope I did him and Jill’s story justice for you guys. He was only supposed to be a small part, but damn I fell in love. HA! Thanks so much for your support! Hugs!!!

  18. Is there the tiniest hope that we may have an early release of Slade pleeeese!!! Christmas day would be lovely and only a little early!!!

    1. Hey Robyn! I tried…I really did, but I couldn’t make Christmas day. I hope you enjoy this story. I’m nervous, but excited for you guys to read. Thanks so much for your support! Hugs!!!

    1. Hey Isel!! I didn’t do pre-order for Slade. I was so excited that they were finally letting Indies do preorders but then my mom fell and broke her hip. I couldn’t commit to a timeline on Slade’s book because of this and backed off the preorder because I didn’t want to disappoint readers if I couldn’t come through on that time. But now all is well and mom is doing great so the next books will be available for preorder. YAY! Thanks so much for your support. Means the world to me. Hugs!!!

  19. OMG!!!! Ms.T u dunnit again. YUMMMMIEEE u need to make a movie r a television show,
    r sell dvds about these yummmmieee, protectors series. Cuz I will by everyone.
    Plz don’t ever stop making this series, cuz u still have Sloan, and now u have a new character name Jax, u can’t leave us hangin. Thank u so much 4 your stories.

    1. Hey Ambrosrosa!! Wouldn’t that just be awesome! I would love to be able to pick the actors for that. As long as you guys want more I will write more!!! Hugs and thank you so much for your support!!!

  20. Your covers are ALWAYS YUMMIE. Where do these men come from?! Not where I’m at! :o) Looking forward to reading Slade’s story. Thanks for providing an entertaining escape from reality.

  21. Wow! That was better than coffee to wake me up! Now how am I goibg to concentrate on my job today with that visual in my mind. Get that book finished!!!

  22. Holy hell . A damn good thing I didn’t see this last night…. And now I have to go to work, just need to stop DROOLING first.

  23. WOW! & just to make sure you know WOW! again. It is always nice to at least look at such maleness it gives one something to focus dreams on ahhhhh! Thanks for that mind picture cannot wait for the books release.

  24. Omg i have been waiting for his story since he first showed up in the series im excited to see the journey him and jill go on

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