Update on a whole lot of stuff…

Long Post! Possible Spoilers so if you haven’t read Ryker then come back and read when you have!

Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing well. September was one heck of a month for me. First I want to thank everyone for your support on Ryker. You guys are the best and I really hope you enjoyed his and Susan’s story as well as the side stories I like to add. Also, I’m so sorry if you’ve posted things or commented and I haven’t responded. I will explain in just a minute, but again thank you guys so much! Also for those waiting on books from me, they are coming. I have talked to KDP and have a promised date for October 13-14, but no explanation as to why it has taken this long….shocker. I apologize and will add something for the wait.

September I had three books due. Two were finished with the 3rd almost finished. Wicked Endings in the Magic & Mayhem Universe will be releasing on Halloween. Ryker has already released, but the anthology story I was working on has been cancelled. So if you pre-ordered the Midnight Tales Anthology I do believe that has been cancelled now. From what I understood there were only five other authors left, myself and Cody along with three others. Cody’s story is finished and he will be publishing that so keep your eyeballs open. It’s a really awesome story. Also, I hope to start the LIVES back up next week! I’ve missed you guys! As some of you know during this time I got the VID. And at the end of the month my mom was in the hospital. She is home now, but had issues with her medications. Thank you guys for all prayers and well wishes, they helped. She is doing better…fingers crossed.

Now for the book stuff. I have gotten messages asking me if the Protectors Series is over. I’m not sure why some are thinking this, but no it is not over. Raven and Ryker’s books were a preview of where the series is heading. Yes, there is still going to be vampires and all that stuff, but I am adding to it. There will be new bad guys both paranormal and human. There will be new Warriors, new Guardians, new Mates and whatever else my brain comes up with. I want to keep this series fresh and exciting. This is the way I decided to go. So, yes, it will continue. 🙂

I also had some comments as well as messages from some readers that have said they have not read the Mates. Please read the Mates LOL! Not for me, but for you. They are a part of the series. I have changed the series order on Amazon because Amazon doesn’t allow me to have a Series of the Mates and include them in with the Protectors. Watch my LIVE next week and I will explain better. LOL! It’s hard to write it to where I’m explaining it right. But the Mates is a series within the Protectors Series. It goes in order with the Protectors. The storylines continue as well as new characters are introduced. Angelina is the next Mate book, but it to be read after Ryker and before the next Warrior book. (Hope all that made sense…ugh.)

And last but not least, Daniel will get a book. I have no clue when. But his story will continue in Angelina’s book and so on until his story is ready to be told fully. That is how a series works. If you’ve ever watched the Walking Dead or a Soap Opera or Yellowstone then you know what I mean. Someone stated that “Why Continue With the Series’ if I was going to mess with a couples who have already had their HEA… Welp I did and will probably do it again because that’s real life. Real people every day have a HEA for a few years and then BAM shit happens that pulls them apart. The Protectors is a series. For those who have read Ryker know who I’m talking about. I did it with Jared and Tessa, and I’ll do again if I feel that is what needs to be done with certain characters. I’m sorry if that upsets people, but real relationships have ups and downs, so will my characters. Even though I write about vampires/shifters/demons I want my characters to be as real as they can be to the point you are cheering for them, cursing them, loving them, hating them, crying for them or laughing with them just like you would for a close friend. Those are the stories I love to read and those are the stories I want to write. I’m not trashing anyone here…everyone has their opinion and I respect that, but when I have a legit reason for doing what I do I will post the explanation. I’m excited where the series is going and I hope you are also. No one really knows much about Angelina…neither do I to be honest, but I’m loving finding out more about her and watching her grow to be the character I want her to be and want you to be proud to read.

Okay, told ya it was a long post. Hope to see you guys next week on the live. And hope to have Angelina’s story for you guys really soon. New Warriors/Guardians coming up so stay tuned. 😉

Hugs and tons of love!

Reading Order for the Protectors/Mates

Damon (The Protectors) Book #1

Jared (The Protectors) Book #2

Duncan (The Protectors) Book #3

Sid (The Protectors) Book #4

Adam (The Protectors) Book #5

Slade (The Protectors) Book #6

A Warrior Wedding (The Protectors) Book #7

Jax (The Protectors) Book #8

Sloan (The Protectors) Book #9

Blaze (The Protectors) Book #10

The Invisible Warrior (The Protectors) Book #11

Ronan (The Protectors) Book #12

Nicole (The Mates) Book #13

Viktor (The Protectors) Book #14

Tessa (The Mates) Book #15

A Warrior Christmas (The Protectors) Book #16

Bishop (The Protectors) Book #17

Pam (The Mates) Book #18

Charger (The Protectors) Book #19

A Warrior Halloween (The Protectors) Book #20

Lana (The Mates) Book #21 Raven (The Protectors) Book #22

Ryker (The Protectors) Book #23

Angelina (The Mates) Book #24 Coming Soon


25 Responses

  1. Just finished reading Jake. LOVED it!!!! Also like the introduction of King. Seems like that’s a story too. Can’t wait to read about Jill and Daniel.

  2. I Love the Protector series, The Mates, and Lee County Wolves. Have read and re-read them several times. Desperate for new stories! When can we expect new books??

    1. Hey there! Thank you so much for the message and your support. Jake was just released Book #26 in both Kindle and Paperback…YAY! Also, I am working on the next Lee County Wolves called Forbidden Shadows, which will be released soon. I am so sorry I am just now responding. Again, thank you for your support. Means the world to me. Have an amazing week! 🙂

    1. Jake has been released in both Kindle and Paperback. Thank you so much for the support. And I apologize for the delay in responding to ya. Have a great week! Again, thank you!

  3. I loved the Protectors series. I am off work recovering from knee replacement surgery and read them all. Do you have a release date for Jake’s story? Will Daniel be getting a story of his own? He is such a great character, he makes me laugh and cry because of what he is going through. Can’t wait for the next book!

    1. Hey Lorrie! I’m so sorry about the delayed response, but good news Jake is now out. LOL! I hope your knee is doing better. I used to work for an orthopedic firm, so I know all about those knee replacements and the wonders they can do now. Daniel will definitely be getting his own book, not sure when, but he has a story to tell. Thanks so much for your support. Means more than you know. Talk soon! Teresa. 🙂

  4. Thank you!!! Your books are INCREDIBLE! Can’t wait for your next “Mates” book! Take care of yourself and stay safe and well!!

    1. Hey Healani! Thank you so much! Your support means the world to me. Sorry for such a delayed response. Working on the next Lee County now and then I will be doing Jill’s Protector book. Talk soon! Teresa

  5. Hi Teresa,
    Looking forward to Jake’s book. That was such a great tease at the end of Angelina’s book. Love your stories – which make for many lost hours of sleep.

    1. Hey Carrol! So sorry for the delayed response. Jake has been released, and next will be Jill. Thank you so much for your support. Means the world to me and so sorry about the loss of sleep. HA! Enjoy and again, thank you! Teresa.

  6. I too LOVE this series and have read it multiple times. I have never laughed and/or cried so much. I cannot wait for the next book. I love the realism of each character and their stories. Truly incredible series!

    1. Thank you so much, Chrys! Means the world to me. Working on Jake now and soon the next in the Lee County Wolves. Hope you have a great rest of your week and enjoyed hearing from you.


    1. Hey Kerri! I was hoping for this month, but unfortunately that isn’t happening. Next month is my plan. Had a tooth issue that is finally…fingers crossed…taken care of and can now fully focus. Thanks so much for asking. Updates soon. Also planning out the next in the Lee County Wolves. Your support means so much. Thank you!


  7. I just want to say that, I absolutely love this entire series. Keep writing because I am hooked and sometimes get antsy just waiting on the next book.

    1. HEY VCG! Thank you soooo much! I was hoping to have Jake released this month, but had a tooth issue that kept me from my focus. All good now and looking for a release next month. Also working on planning the next Lee County Wolves…finally. Thanks so much for your support. Means the world to me!


    1. Hey Tina! Thank you sooo much! Working on Jake now and hoping his release will be next month. YAY! We have been trying and actually optioned for a series with Kim Grosso. We shall see if that every happens. Fingers crossed. Thank you so much for the message and your support. Means the world to me.


    1. Hey Isabelle! Thank you sooo much! I really hope you enjoyed Angelina. I am so sorry for such a late response. Been a little nuts around here. LOL! Thank you again for your support. Means the world to me!


  8. I absolutely adore the Protector series and have loved the mates series, as well. Those who are not reading the mates novels are really missing the continuity of the series. It thrilled me to learn Teresa has future plans for the series and doesn’t plan on ending it. These books have gotten me through some tough nights since my husband died. They’re a rich, beautiful escape. Thank you, Teresa.

    1. Hey Donna! Thank you so much for this. And I am sorry for such a late response. I do plan on continuing and I am currently writing Jake. I am also planning the next Lee County Wolves book. I am so very sorry for your loss. I am humbled beyond everything that the stories have helped you in some way. Means the world to me. You thank me, but believe me when I say I thank you because without you and other readers my dream of doing this would have never happened. So, THANK YOU, Donna. You’ve done more for me than you will ever know.

      Hugs and tons of love!

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